Updating The DTTM Software On NinjaTrader 7

Note:  This page is for people who already use the DTTM indicators, but want to install a more recent version.  If you are a NEW member, you can skip this section.

Below, you have two options below:
   - Removing the "old" DTTM software
   - Removing the DTTM software to make room for an updated version

Removing The "Old" DTTM Software
If you were a member in October 2018 or earlier, this would apply to you.  If you're a member after October 2018, this will NOT apply to you.

Here are the steps:

1) Go to NinjaTrader Control Center
2) File > Utilities > Remove NinjaScript Assembly
3) Click on "Final.DTTMSoftwareV3"
4) Click Remove
5) Click OK until complete

Deletion Of Old Templates
1) Go to you computer's "Documents" File
2) Open the NinjaTrader 7 folder
3) Open the Templates folder
4) Open the Chart folder
5) Delete any DTTM-related files or any files that you no longer use

Here's a quick video if you would like to see the process visually:

Removing An Older Version Of the DTTM Software
(so you can install the most recent version)
This would apply if we have recently made an update to the software. 

1) Go to NinjaTrader Control Center
2) File > Utilities > Remove NinjaScript Assembly
3) Click on "DTTMAggressionBars"
4) Click Remove
5) Click OK until complete

Deletion Of Old Templates
1) Go to you computer's "Documents" File
2) Open the NinjaTrader 7 folder
3) Open the Templates folder
4) Open the Chart folder
5) Delete any DTTM-related files or any files that you no longer use

Here's a quick video if you would like to see the process visually:

Questions?  Email info@daytradethemarkets.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible.