Zone Indicator Settings & Options
There are a few customizations available for the Zones indicator.
Below is a video explaining how it works and how to change the settings. Below that is a setting-by-setting breakdown.
Note: At this time, the Zones Indicator is available for the eMini S&P (ES), the Nasdaq (NQ), Crude Oil (CL), and Gold (GC).
Adding The Zones Indicator
To add the Boxes indicator, simply:
- Right click your chart
- Select 'indicators'
- Click on the DTTM Software
- Check the "Show Zones" box for NinjaTrader 8 or
- You will also need to enter the daily code (explained in video)
- Select "true" next to "Show Zones" for NinjaTrader 7
- You will also need to enter the daily code (explained in video)
NinjaTrader 7:

NinjaTrader 8:

(Note: The video shows the settings in Ninja 7. The process for Ninja 8 is essentially identical)
Here is a breakdown, setting-by-setting:
Show Zones:
This simply determines whether or not zones will show on your chart or not.
Zone Input Values:
Here's where it can potentially get a little bit complicated.
Each day, you'll need to grab the "code" from the daily market assistant and paste it into the indicator. It will show the current day and then the prior two day's zones as well.
You'll need to make sure you copy the entire sequence of code and then paste it all into the indicator using the "control + v" keyboard shortcut.
This is explained more fully in the video above.
Of course, you can always draw these zone manually from the daily market assistant page if you prefer, but this step should save some time.
Zone Color:
Very simply, this is the color of the zones.
Zone Opacity:
This is the darkness of the shading of the zone.
Need help?
If you need help at any step of the way, just let us know at
Questions? Email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.